Food Service
Food Ingredients

Produtos Food Ingredients

Produtos Food Ingredients

Produtos Food Ingredients

Food Ingredients - Abóbora

(Flakes and Powder)

Application: Sauces, broths, fillings, soups, cakes.

Food Ingredients - Batata doce

Sweet Potatoes

Application: Mixture for snacks, gnocchi pasta, ready-made dishes, frozen meals, soups, breads, cakes, food supplements.

Food Ingredients - Batata em flocos

Flaked potatoes
(2mm Flakes, 5mm Flakes)

Application: Mixture for snacks (coxinha, risoles, etc.), gnocchi pasta, ready-made dishes, frozen foods, codfish ball, breads,
soups, instant noodles.

Food Ingredients - Beterraba


Application: Seasonings, sauces, fillings, breads, soups, broths, aromas, pet-foods, refrigerators (fresh dyes), colored dough, natural dyes.

Food Ingredients - Caldos

(Meat and Chicken)

Application: Sauces, fillings, breaded, ready-made farofa, soups.

Food Ingredients - Cebola

(Flakes, Granules and Powder)

Application: Fillings for snacks, soups, broths, seasonings, sauces, ready-made farofas, aromas.

Food Ingredients - Cenoura

(Flakes, Granules, Powder, Granules 2mm)

Application: Cakes, soups, pet-foods, instant noodle seasoning, baking (breads, ready-made dough, cakes), colorful dough,
as a source of fiber, natural dyes.

Food Ingredients - Espinafre


Application: pet-foods, natural dyes, colored dough, flavors, soups.

Food Ingredients - Maçã


Application: Teas, breakfast cereals, cereal bars, fillings and cakes.

Food Ingredients - Mandioca / Aipim


Application: soups, cakes, breads and others.

Food Ingredients - Mandioquinha

(Flakes, Granules and Powder)

Application: soups, broths, sauces, fillings, hidden, aromas, seasoning instant noodles.

Food Ingredients - Pimentão Vermelho

Red Pepper

Application: Soups, broths, sauces, fillings, ready-made dishes and other fillings.

Food Ingredients - Tomate

(Flakes, Granules 8mm, Powder and Granules 2mm)

Application: Sauces, fillings, broths, seasonings, ready-made dishes, frozen, aromas, pet-foods, natural dyes, colored pasta, spice for instant noodles.

Food Ingredients - Tritom

(Powder - Tomato powder with starch)

Application: Sauces, fillings, broths, seasonings, colorful pasta, ready-made and frozen dishes.

Food Ingredients - Uva passa miuda


Application: Cakes, pies, fillings, cereal bars, cookies and breakfast cereals.

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